German levels and proficiency scores

German Language Levels

What are the German Levels?

There are 6 German levels determined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). These levels are expressed as A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2. The CEFR German levels are widely accepted as the global standard for grading an individual’s language proficiency.

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages CEFR is an international standard for measuring the level of proficiency in many foreign languages, including German. CEFR levels are a widely accepted standard in German and other languages in the World. Many language schools in Turkey and abroad organize their education according to CEFR German levels.

German Levels and Explanations

What are the Speaking Goals of German Levels? What Can Someone Do in Real Life and at Work?

A1 German level refers to the basic knowledge and subjects learned in German . A1 level is often expressed as a beginner or beginner level. The level to start learning German is A1 level. It is a fairly basic level of language.

A1 German level is the first level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

At A1 German level, you can handle simple and routine tasks without any problems and deal with everyday situations. You have a competence to express your simple needs; You can use German to understand dates/times/numbers, meet people, ask for places/directions, place orders.

A2 German level refers to above beginner, intermediate level German knowledge. You can easily make simple sentences and simple daily conversations at A2 German level.

A2 German level is the second level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

A2 German level is the minimum recruitment level for many companies we partner with.

A2 German level is not a sufficient level for academic education.

In the Berlitz level system, the A2 German level is divided into 3 sub-levels as A2.1, A2.2 and A2.3.

At the A2.1 level of German, you have command of the language on specific subjects, routine and simple tasks. You can understand and convey messages in German, respond to simple and direct information, have simple face-to-face conversations, and talk about activities you like or dislike. You can learn and meet daily and simple needs using your knowledge of German; shopping, vacation planning or hotel reservation etc.

At A2.2 German level, you can do most uncomplicated tasks. You master routine social and work situations. Even if you make some mistakes, you can start and maintain a conversation in German. You begin to build your subject-specific German vocabulary; You can give professional instructions, explain a simple problem and come up with a solution, guide your visitors, explain in detail and politely respond to invitations. You can state your preferences, agreements or disagreements in German or make a complaint.

At A2.3 German level ,you can grasp knowledge of unfamiliar topics and have long German conversations with others on a wide variety of topics. However, you may not yet be able to maintain consistency in long German phrases or unfamiliar topics. You can describe equipment you know, arrange and negotiate an agreement, establish professional contacts and advice in German. When speaking German, you may feel that your native language is interfering at times.

B1 German level is the third level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

B1 German level is the minimum level of recruitment that many companies we work with for those who will work with a foreign team in departments such as project management, foreign sales and exports.

In the Berlitz level system, the B1 German level is divided into 3 sub-levels as B1.1, B1.2 and B1.3.

At B1.1 German level, you can initiate, maintain and end most communicative tasks required for your personal and business needs. At B1.1 German level, you can understand the instructions and give direct instructions. You can easily communicate in German in social and professional situations – including participating in discussions and meetings, interrupting someone to explain a project or express your opinion. At B1.1 German level, you can discuss the quality of a product or service. At this level, you can explain the hypotheses and their results in German.

At B1.2 German level, you can communicate competently and comfortably in many professional and personal contexts, and you will find many ways to formulate what you want to explain. You can be sufficient even in difficult social situations where unfamiliar words come across. You can engage in conversations with native speakers, ask for clarification when needed, deal with complex situations such as consulting a lawyer, and speak German on the phone for extended periods of time. You can express your ideas in German and easily overcome unexpected problems.

At B1.3 German level, you can grasp detailed information on unfamiliar topics and use the language as a tool to work in other academic and professional fields. At this level, you can initiate and maintain spontaneous conversations, express and defend your opinions in a discussion, and understand some German idioms created by native speakers. With your knowledge of German, you can run an office, settle a dispute or defend your opinion against a group.

B2 German level is the fourth level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

In the Berlitz level system, the B2 German level is divided into two sub-levels as B2.1 and B2.2.

You communicate effectively and appropriately even in difficult communicative tasks and situations at B2.1 German level; like leading a meeting or conference session. You can meet with business people, give a professional presentation, and have a sales meeting. You are very fluent and versatile in expressing yourself; You can easily speak and understand German even in difficult subjects. There may be minor mistakes in your German speaking and barriers from your native language.

B2.1 German level is the last level we provide standard education. Those who have completed the B2.1 level of German can participate in academic studies at universities, receive acceptance from universities abroad, and work comfortably in a company abroad.

At B2.2 German level, you can communicate effectively in German across a wide range of communities. You have a good command of the German language. You can confidently and effectively participate in meetings and discussions, defend your opinions in German in multi-person discussions, give clear and detailed presentations, and use appropriate German language in sensitive social situations.

At this level, you communicate effectively with various audiences on a wide range of familiar and new topics to meet most personal, academic or professional demands, including many which presume experience in public speaking and critical listening.

At the professional level, you have full command of the language. You understand and can use virtually all linguistic structures; as well as a range of vocabulary items as broad and deep as that of most educated native speakers. Communication is fluent, appropriate and well organized—you develop ideas in speech clearly and coherently.

For example, a Turk speaks Turkish at C level. If you say you know C-level German, you need to understand and speak as much German as a German.

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